Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Free Stuff, You Know, For Free

Macy's had some big law suit blah blah blah, They have to give away $175 MILLION worth of product, TO US!!! i walked in, signed a paper and I picked what I wanted (of the limited items) Cosmetics are going for the competitive price of FREE, while supplies last, cuz Macy's is greedy and they lost!! I got a bath gel by Calvin Kline, Euphoria. They are giving Lancome, Sarah Jessica Parker, Armani, and other name brands.

Go to Macy's ASAP or read this boring article if you don't believe me. http://www.crainsnewyork.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090113/FREE/901139959/0/KEYWORDS


Joellyn said...

Dylan got me the same Euphoria cream. I felt special until he said he's only giving it to me, because it would be weird to give it to his Mom, or sister, or any other closer female relation.
JR brought me mascara. It's the kind that lengthens and separates, not thickens and clumps. Yessss

Jae Lorette said...

thats the same stuff i got. I went back today and got some night repair cream. Mrs Forrest said it is worth $75. There wasn't much left when i went back today.