Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Free Stuff, You Know, For Free

Macy's had some big law suit blah blah blah, They have to give away $175 MILLION worth of product, TO US!!! i walked in, signed a paper and I picked what I wanted (of the limited items) Cosmetics are going for the competitive price of FREE, while supplies last, cuz Macy's is greedy and they lost!! I got a bath gel by Calvin Kline, Euphoria. They are giving Lancome, Sarah Jessica Parker, Armani, and other name brands.

Go to Macy's ASAP or read this boring article if you don't believe me. http://www.crainsnewyork.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090113/FREE/901139959/0/KEYWORDS

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Bad!

Hahaha That was an accident!

That video is of Annie cleaning Ollie's ears. She does that just about every day. Ollie doesn't mind, and his ears are very clean.

Here is the actual video of Fil on his horse!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Filip On His Horse

Filip Finally decided to ride his horse pop pop got him!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I can has cheezburger?!

I don't know how many of you keep up with my favoritest website, www.icanhascheezburger.com, but I thought this one was funny.

This is a clip from its sister site www.Ihasahotdog.com it's funny too

and of course don't forget www.failblog.org!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Paw Prints

Waller painted our stairs. He was conciderate enough to paint every-other step so that if we needed to get up there we could. We forgot Ollie was upstairs. So this was the result on all the steps that were not yet painted.

I went upstairs to look for him and Annie fallowed. Since I forgot she didn't know to take every-other step either, she was able to finish the trail of brown paw prints down the upstairs hall.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mario Kart

I've been playing ALOT of MarioKart... It's super fun. I can at least keep up with Tyler and Dylan now. Tonight we did teams. Me and Dylan against Dad and Tyler. It was pretty even untill it got kinda late. In the end Tyler won.. but not by much! Poor poor mommom couldn't keep up..

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Sorry I havn't been blogging.. My life is super boring. I just go to work anymore. I've been taking a walk everyday and I've lost 5lbs. None of my work pants fit me anymore.

I have a numb toe, I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow at 9. He better magically cure me.

I got a nintendo DS and it's so fun! I play Super Mario Brothers and Mario Party and Mario Kart, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. I beat Tyler and Dylan so bad! I let mom win when I play with her to be nice. Joellyn Kicks my butt soooooo bad I can't even keep up with her. Dad plays and just says "how did you do that!? everytime i beat him. So i just try to help him and sometimes I let him pass me at the last seconed, like it was an accident.

Annie's hair is growing out. She's alot cutter now then she was when she first got it cut off, She doesn't look like a freak anymore.

I want a bedroom Really bad! My FAVORITEST blanket got eaten by the dryer. I almost cried.

Ollie is fat as ever.

Next week I'm only working 3 days so maybe i can get some laundry done.

I got my hair cut and I hate it. I want it to grow back out.

I smashed my thumb in the car door like a week ago and am going to lose my finger-nail. It should come off soon.

Filip can say "monsters" now. He likes to play my old gameboy since we are all playing on ours.

I guess more has gone one then I realized! I'll try to keep up..

Jae Lorette