Sorry I havn't been blogging.. My life is super boring. I just go to work anymore. I've been taking a walk everyday and I've lost 5lbs. None of my work pants fit me anymore.
I have a numb toe, I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow at 9. He better magically cure me.
I got a nintendo DS and it's so fun! I play Super Mario Brothers and Mario Party and Mario Kart, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. I beat Tyler and Dylan so bad! I let mom win when I play with her to be nice. Joellyn Kicks my butt soooooo bad I can't even keep up with her. Dad plays and just says "how did you do that!? everytime i beat him. So i just try to help him and sometimes I let him pass me at the last seconed, like it was an accident.
Annie's hair is growing out. She's alot cutter now then she was when she first got it cut off, She doesn't look like a freak anymore.
I want a bedroom Really bad! My FAVORITEST blanket got eaten by the dryer. I almost cried.
Ollie is fat as ever.
Next week I'm only working 3 days so maybe i can get some laundry done.
I got my hair cut and I hate it. I want it to grow back out.
I smashed my thumb in the car door like a week ago and am going to lose my finger-nail. It should come off soon.
Filip can say "monsters" now. He likes to play my old gameboy since we are all playing on ours.
I guess more has gone one then I realized! I'll try to keep up..
Jae Lorette